A single search interface connects you to the vast majority of Clemson Libraries resources, in all formats, including most of our eJournals and the entire library catalog, plus holdings at other academic libraries within South Carolina, otherwise known as PASCAL.
"Articles, Books, and More" is the best option to begin with when:
- You'll get a lot of results, which you can then limit to a specific format (e.g., journal articles, trade publication articles) or to peer-reviewed content.
- You can also focus your results on a specific date range, or add more keywords to narrow your search.
This guide's Building/Planning Resources and Business Resources pages provide links to a full range of article databases covering real estate development issues and topics from a variety of perspectives.
Article databases provide a way to search for articles on particular subjects in magazines or journals. These resources are compiled by specialists in each discipline, or by teams of specialists across a range of disciplines. Each database entry provides information about an article's content and context, so that scholars and researchers can determine the article's usefulness to their work. Databases may include or link out to the full text and/or graphics of articles, or they may include only the author, title, date, journal title, issue, and page numbers for each article (that is, the article citation).
Need to know more? Article Databases in Five Minutes (NCSU) is a short video describing the basic features of these essential research tools.
Clemson University Libraries subscribe to several hundred different article databases. All are listed on our Databases A-Z page. Access to these requires a current Clemson ID.
The Clemson Library Catalog does not contain your article, but you can use it to gain access to an article by locating the JOURNAL the article appears in.
- Start with a keyword search. Limit "Material Type" to 'Journals.' Then select the "Available Online" limiter in the lefthand column of the search page to limit to e-journals.
- Follow the links to the journal's interface page (linking to individual issues by date, volume, and number), and use your topic terms to "Search within this publication." (The search option will vary according to publisher; look for the search box.)