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Real Estate Development: Find Books/eBooks

Research & instructional support for Clemson University's MRED program in Greenville, SC

Search the Clemson Libraries Catalog

Use the Libraries catalog's Advanced Search for the most focused results -- books, journals, articles, media and more.

Start with the @Clemson Libraries option for physical items and licensed e-resources. Expand your search to PASCAL Delivers to include in your results what our South Carolina partner libraries have to offer.

  • Combine Advanced Search with appropriate search limits : material type, online availability, exact title, etc.
  • In any item record, click on a subject heading to browse related materials. Subject heading searches are super-efficient.
  • Within an item record, scroll down to "Browse" to 'scan the shelves' for related items, virtually. Call numbers (items classed together by subject matter) are meaningful.
  • For e-books related to your search terms, select "Available online" under the Availability heading, to the right of your results.

Request items from any Libraries location for pickup at the Cooper Library, the Gunnin Architecture Library, or the Clemson Design Center Library in Charleston. The Request link is in the item record. ALWAYS sign in to the catalog to see all delivery options. The sign in option is at the upper right of the Advanced Search page.

Off-Campus Delivery Service - if you live over 30 miles from the Clemson campus, items can be mailed to you.

Scan and Deliver - Request articles and book chapters as PDFs, delivered to your email address.

Easy Access to Books and eBooks

All you need for complete access to library materials is a web browser, an internet connection, and an active Clemson ID.


  1. The Clemson Library Catalog will link you directly to our electronic resources, including eBooks, eJournals, article databases, article PDFs, and streaming video.
  2. The Libraries' off-campus delivery services are explained here.
  3. Before you start your search for a book, make sure you are signed in to the catalog. Once you've signed in, all requesting options will display for you.
  4. In the catalog record for the item you want, scroll down to the How To Get It section, where you should see a REQUEST heading with an active link beside it. Click on the link.
  5. Select your preferred pickup location in the box that pops up.
    1. If you live within 30 miles of the Clemson campus, select Cooper Library and an end date for your request. Make sure you then click on SEND REQUEST. You'll receive an email with pickup instructions.
    2. If you live more than 30 miles from campus, select Home Address or Work Address under the PERSONAL DELIVERY option to have the item mailed to you, and enter your address in the Comment line. You will receive an email asking you to confirm your address. YOU MUST RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL IN ORDER TO COMPLETE THE TRANSACTION.
  6. If the book you need is already checked out or is only available from another PASCAL Library, make an Interlibrary Loan request for it. [At present, the option to "Request via PASCAL Delivers" only allows pickup at Clemson's Cooper Library. Other options will be available in the near future. In the meantime, Interlibrary Loan is your best option.]
  7. Use My Account to keep track of your requests and of your currently checked out items.


  1. Make an Interlibrary Loan request for any title you need that Clemson does not own.
  2. Use the WorldCat catalog and find your book there, then click on the "Request If Not Held By Clemson" link that appears near the top of the record. This will open an ILL login. Sign in to your InterLibrary Loan account, and the book request form will automatically be filled out for you!
  3. Use the WorldCat catalog to discover other books in your area of interest.

Requested Clemson-held items are checked out to your Clemson Libraries account at the time you request them.

PASCAL and Interlibrary Loan items are checked out to your Clemson Libraries account at the time the request order is filled, which may be 3-5 days before you receive materials.