You can search the Clemson Libraries Catalog for articles or you can search in a specific database. The catalog searches almost all of the print books, online books, articles, and journal titles that we subscribe to. It is more of an intuitive search than searching in a database. Click here or the image below to go to the catalog.
Google Scholar can lead you directly to material Clemson subscribes to if you access it on campus or via our proxy server. For best search results, refer to Google Scholar Help and Advanced Scholar Search Tips before you begin.
While many databases include links to online full text in HTML and/or PDF format (either directly or via a "Check for full text" link), others do not--often because the journal cited is not available electronically, or because of licensing restrictions, or because our library does not subscribe to the electronic version. Use the tips in the "Where is my article?" box (at left) to locate an article when online full text is not available.
Beware! If you limit your search to online Full Text results, you risk missing out on critically important articles only available in print. You also risk missing out on stuff that is available digitally in full text but is not directly linked to your database's results page.
Use the Research link on the Clemson Libraries homepage to identify the most useful research guides for specific subject areas. You can also use our Databases A-Z page to browse databases by title (or keyword search the entire list). General databases covering multiple subjects are located at the bottom right of the Research page.
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