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Design and the Built Environment Doctoral Program Research Guide: Journals

DBE Colloquium Course Guide

When you don't know the journal title...

To identify a journal in your area of interest among Clemson's holdings:

  1. Go to the Clemson Libraries Catalog advanced search page
  2. Select either "Keyword" or "Subject" in the first box.
  3. Choose a known legitimate subject heading for your needs--the broader the better (ex: Construction industry). Then add keywords to achieve focus.
  4. Enter your term(s) in the search box
  5. Limit your search scope to "Journals" using the Material Type menu to the right.

To identify a journal in your area of interest, whether Clemson subscribes or not:

  1. Go to the WorldCat catalog (the link is on the Library homepage, beneath the search box)
  2. Select "Advanced search"
  3. Use the search boxes to enter keyword or subject terms (Click on the Scan indexicon to browse for already-indexed terms)
  4. Limit type to: Serial publications

When you already know the journal title

Use the catalog's Journal Search option to search by title for publications in both print and electronic formats across all Clemson Libraries collections.
Note that Journal Title searches are 'exact word order' searches by default.


BROWSE eJournals by subject headings in Art, Architecture, and Applied Arts: