Choose "US Legal" from the left sidebar & select "Federal Statutes, Codes & Regulations" or "State Statutes, Codes & Regulations." Coverage of public laws begins with 1988; state codes are for the latest complete session. CU subscription.
CFR coverage is comprehensive, containing more than 8,500 volumes dating back to inception (1938).
The Federal Register is updated on a daily basis. Coverage is comprehensive & begins from inception (1936). CU subscription.
Within the "Look up a Legal Case" box you can search or click "Cases." You can also choose "US Legal" from the left sidebar & select "Federal & State Cases." Use the drop-down menu to choose a state. CU subscription.
Click the "Landmark Cases" link in the "Look up a Legal Case" box. Cases are arranged alphabetically by broad topic, with case names, concise summaries & links to the full text.
Complete coverage of the official U.S. Reports (Supreme Court decisions) bound volumes back to 1754, as well as preliminary prints, slip opinions, & books & periodicals related to the U.S. Supreme Court are included in this library.
Helpful Guides
Finding the Answers to Legal Questions: A How-To-Do-It Manual