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Architecture Research Guide

Resources focused on supporting research of undergraduate and graduate studio programs in architecture

Search in the Catalog

You can search the Clemson Libraries Catalog to find articles. The catalog searches almost all of the databases and online journals that we subscribe to. Sometimes it is helpful to do a broad search. If you are searching for peer-reviewed or scholarly articles, make sure to use the filter on the left-hand side of the screen and look for the purple icons in the results. 

*You will find articles here that are not available in Google Scholar.... 


Search in Databases

"Where is my article?"

Print titles:

  • The most recent issues of print titles are located on the Gunnin Library's Periodicals shelves, Main Level.
  • Back issues are shelved in bound volumes on the Lower Level, by call number. Look up the journal title in the catalog to find its call number. Check on the availability of a specific volume by clicking on the > arrow to the right of the Gunnin holdings summary.
  • Request older back issues from Off-Site Storage by clicking on the > arrow to the right of the Library Depot holdings summary, then  "Request" next to the volume you need. The entire volume will be available for pickup the next day from the Library Services Desk at the location you select.


Get a PDF of the article you need:

  • Use the Libraries' Scan & Deliver service to request a scan of a specific article.


Online titles: 

  • Many citations in our article databases include a link directly to full text, either in HTML or PDF format. [Note: HTML versions don't always include the article's original images.]
  • If a direct link doesn't appear, full text may still be available. Note the journal title, year, volume, and issue number in which your article appears, then click on the "FindIt" icon immediately below the article record. This will take you to the Clemson Library catalog record for all formats of the journal. If the journal is available online, click through to the specific issue number to locate your article.


Journal not in Clemson Libraries?

  • Request it from our Resource Sharing office. (If you need the entire journal issue rather than a single article, use New Request -- Book.)

Other Useful & General Subject Databases for Architecture

General Subject Databases