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EndNote is a reference and citation management software used to manage bibliographies and references.


Can I merge multiple libraries?

  • If you need to combine EndNote libraries, either because someone sent you a library or you have switched computers, you can do so through merging. To do this, the file must be an .enlx file. Before merging two libraries, you need to double click the .enlx file so that it will be extracted and saved as an .enl file.

    There are multiple ways to merge library files. The recommended method to use is to Import one library into another. This allows you to filter out duplicates.

    Method 1: Importing EndNote Libraries

    • Open the EndNote Library into which you want to import the references.
    • Go to Import from the File menu.
    • Browse to the library you want to import. It should be an .enl file.
    • In Import Options, choose EndNote Library.
    • Text translation is on 'No translation'
    • Click Import.
  • Method 2: Using Drag and Drop

    • To copy specific references from one library to another, simply select them in one library.
    • Click on any part of the selection and use the mouse to drag the selection to another library.
    • The selected references are copied to the library where they were “dropped.”
  • Method 3: Copying References in Libraries

    • Select the references that you want to copy and choose Copy from the Edit menu.
    • Open the library to which you want to add the references and choose Paste from the Edit menu.

Why won't my compressed library (.enlx) open? 

  • If a compressed file won't open, EndNote may not be installed. You will have to open it on a computer that has EndNote installed.

I imported a full-text PDF, but the reference doesn't look right. How do I edit the reference?

  • Sometimes, bibliographic information is missing when PDF files are imported. This is especially true when the imported PDF file is a scanned document. To correct this, do the following: 

    • Start from your EndNote Library.
    • Double click the file that only imported the PDF attachment.
    • Enter the metadata manually.
  • Why does this happen? When importing PDF files, EndNote scans the metadata and the first two pages of the PDF file to locate a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). If a single DOI is found, that DOI is sent to the CrossRef system. If CrossRef recognizes the DOI, the bibliographic information is imported into EndNote. For bibliographic information to be entered automatically into EndNote when importing PDFs, only one DOI must be present in the article, and that DOI must be on a single line.

    Tips for entering references manually:

    • You don't have to fill out all the fields
    • Don't apply any formatting (e.g,. bold, italic) just enter plain text
    • Each author entering on a new line (First name last name; Last name, first name)
    • End corporate author name with a comma (e.g., University of Tennessee,)
    • Author term in red means it is new. As you type, EndNote will suggest authors to you
    • Years should be entered as a 4-digit number
    • Page numbers can be entered as a range or truncated (e.g., 112-119 or 112-9)

How can I transfer my EndNote Library to another computer?

To move your EndNote Library to another location, you need to first compress the original EndNote Library or Groups of the Library you want to move.

Step 1: Compress your EndNote Library file:

  • Open the EndNote Library.
  • From the "File" menu, select "Compressed Library (.enlx)" for PC and Mac.
  • Name the EndNote Compressed Library.
  • Create or Save the Library to create a zip file (filename.enlx).

Step 2: Move the compressed file to the second computer:

  • Option 1: Email the zip file to yourself.
  • Option 2: Use cloud storage service such as OneDrive if the zip file is too big to email.
  • Option 3: Transport the zip file using a flash drive.

Step 3: Restore the compressed library file:

  • Option 1: Open the compressed EndNote Library (filename.enlx).
  • Option 2: Double click the compressed EndNote Library (filename.enlx).
  • This will extract the compressed library into a regular EndNote Library.

Note: An EndNote Library is composed of .enl file and its associated .Data folder. The compressed library will contain both files and is good to back up your library or send a copy to yourself or share it with a colleague.