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EndNote is a reference and citation management software used to manage bibliographies and references.


Welcome to the EndNote Library Guide! This guide is organized into a series of 5 steps to help you get started using EndNote. By clicking on a page in the left-hand column, a series of actions will appear that you can complete to finish setting-up or using your EndNote library.

What is EndNote?

About EndNote

EndNote is a software program that manages bibliographies and citations. The program would be helpful to anyone who is creating a research bibliography, manuscripts, grant proposals, term papers or other publications. 

How Do I Get It?

Clemson faculty, staff and students can download EndNote from CCIT's website. A NetID is required to download the program. Once you log in, choose Clarivate Analytics (EndNote) as the vendor to download the EndNote program. 

What's New with EndNote 21

EndNote 21 is the most up-to-date version of the software and has several new functions. 

  • Tagging: Tags are customizable labels that let you organize your references however you'd like. You can add tags to references and customize the color and name of the tags. You can add multiple tags to a reference, making tags a great way to quickly organize your references.
  • New EndNote Web platform: With the newly redesigned EndNote Web, you can sync between online, desktop, and iOS devices. The new EndNote Web is available only to EndNote 21 users.
  • Compare & restore old references: The single reference restoration feature introduces the ability to compare and restore previous versions of individual references to correct any accidental mishaps. You can also restore your library with the new data restoration function, ensuring your research is not lost.
  • Cite While You Write (CWYW) in Google Docs: CWYW is available for EndNote 21 customers in Google Docs via Google Workspace Marketplace, making it easier to write your next paper and to collaborate on documents with colleagues.

This guide contains content originally created by the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center Library and has been copied with permission.