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EndNote is a reference and citation management software used to manage bibliographies and references.

EndNote Click

EndNote Click is a free browser plugin that finds the best available PDF of an academic article while you browse. Behind the scenes, EndNote Click will search open databases and (where possible) Clemson Libraries' subscriptions to find the best version of the paper for you.

Note: Clemson restricts users from downloading unapproved plug-ins. Currently, Endnote extensions are not approved for Clemson Gmail accounts, but you can download them to your personal accounts. 

When you do your literature search on PubMed, Web of Science, JSTOR or 20,000 other academic websites EndNote Click will try to find the full-text PDF version for you.  
When you land on a web page with a research paper, (for example, on this open-access article page: ) EndNote Click will activate and serve you the PDF.

To access the full-text PDF just click on the EndNote Click button in the bottom left corner of your screen.

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The Export Reference button in your PDF viewer will download a RIS file which is compatible with reference managers like EndNote, Zotero or Mendeley. You can customise this integration on your account settings page (under the Customise tab).


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Click on the Export to EndNote button when you are in the EndNote Click PDF viewer to export to EndNote Desktop.  Click Push to EndNote account to export your reference to EndNote Web / EndNote Online account.

The Export to EndNote button triggers two download events inside your browser: one for the PDF and one for the RIS formatted reference. You will need to "instruct" your browser by explicitly telling it what to do with these files.

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You will need to open the files with EndNote Desktop. In the bottom left corner of your Chrome window, please click the arrow to get the file handling options.

First, click "Always open files of this type" then the "Open file" button. You should get a system dialogue where you can now select your EndNote library to open the file.

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Syncing EndNote Click with EndNote Online

For those who download multiple PDFs in one sitting we recommend exporting to an EndNote Online so you can export the PDFs to EndNote Groups / folders directly. Follow this link for setting it up

EndNote X9.2 and later users can export the reference RIS file and PDF from the EndNote Click PDF viewer. You can set it up in just a few steps!