RefWorks is now integrated with ProQuest’s Summon discovery service. Researchers have persistent access across both platforms, which allows them to save reference citations, collaborate with colleagues, and share content. In this page you will learn how we use the Summon Index to enrich your RefWorks experience. If you are a Summon Customer, you may also be interested in the fact that RefWorks is fully integrated into Summon.
Wenever you add a new citation, the new RefWorks will use the Summon index to auto complete the fields for you. This is a powerful feature you can use in many situations:
Whenever you add a title in a new reference, the summon index will be queried authomatically and at the bottom of the page you will see suggestions for autocompletion:
Just select the title that matches your reference and the fields will autocomplete:
In some cases you will be even offered to load the full text as well. How does that work?
Finally, you can always activate the auto complete functionality clicking on the blue ray button next to the title field:
This is especially useful when you need to find missing fields, e.g. authors.
To learn more about the Summon Index, we invite you to visit the Ex Libris knowledge center.
Have questions about the new RefWorks or need some technical support? Their Support Team is also available for help.
Email them or call 1- 800-521-0600 ext. 74440. Support hours are Monday – Friday 8am – 9pm ET.
Their Customer Resources page is also available online anytime:
ProQuest offers several webinars on many different topics each month.