Country | Classification |
Austria | NA 1011.5 |
Australia | NA 1605 |
Belgium | NA 1173 |
Brazil | NA 859 |
Bulgaria | NA 1393 |
Canada | NA 749 |
China | NA 1549 |
Cuba | NA 805 |
Czechoslovakia | NA 1034.5 |
Denmark | NA 1223 |
Egypt | NA 1585 |
Finland | NA 1455.F53 |
Flanders | NA 1173 |
France | NA 1053 |
Germany | NA 1088 |
Great Britain | NA 997 |
Greece | NA 1103 |
Hungary | NA 1022.5 |
Iceland | NA 1253 |
India | NA 1510 |
Israel | NA 1479 |
Italy | NA 1123 |
Japan | NA 1559 |
Mexico | NA 759 |
Netherlands | NA 1153 |
New Zealand | NA 1608 |
Norway | NA 1273 |
Poland | NA 1455.P63 |
Russia | NA 1197 |
Romania | NA 1433 |
South Africa | NA 1595 |
Soviet Union | NA 1197-1199 |
Spain | NA 1313 |
Sweden | NA 1293 |
Switzerland | NA 1353 |
Turkey | NA 1373 |
United States | NA 737 |
Yugoslavia | NA 1453 |
Architecture-related materials are classed primarily in the NA section of the library. Other relevant call number ranges: TH (building and construction), NC (drawing and graphic arts), NK (interior architecture and design), GN (vernacular architecture), E-F (U.S. history, historic preservation), HT (city planning), KF (architecture and law), LB (buildings for education), RA (hospital design), etc.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Architecture by Subject | Classification | |
Airports | NA 6300-6307 | |
Ancient and Classical | NA 210-349 | |
Apartment Houses. Flats | NA 7860 | |
Architects, U.S.(includes firms) | NA 737 | |
Architectural Congresses | NA 21 | |
Architectural Decoration (by time period, countries, specific elements) | NA 3310-4050 | |
Architectural Design | NA 2750-2794 | |
Architectural Details (by specific items, e.g., stairs) | NA 2835-3079 | |
Architectural Details, Motives, Decoration | NA 2810-4050 | |
Architectural Drawing & Design | NA 2695-2794 | |
Architectural Practice, Business | NA 1996 | |
Architectural Societies, Organizations | NA 10-20 | |
Architecture and Law | NA 135-150; see also KF 902 | |
Architecture and the State | NA 100-198 | |
Architecture and the Handicapped | NA 2545 | |
Architecture as a Profession | NA 1995 | |
Architecture, General (including most journals) | NA 1-60 | |
Architecture Museums / Exhibitions | NA 2400-2460 | |
Architecture of Special Countries | NA 701-1613 | |
Architecture Registration Exam prep | NA 123 | |
Architecture Schools | NA 2300 | |
Architecture, Study and Teaching | NA 2000-2320 | |
Architecture, U.S. | NA 705-729 | |
Architecture, U.S., by City | NA 735 | |
Architecture, U.S., by State | NA 730 | |
top | ||
Baroque, Rococo | NA 590-599 | |
Biographies, Collectives, and Directories | NA 40-60 | |
Building Codes, South Carolina | KFS 2258-2259 | |
Building Codes, U.S. | KF 5701; TH 223 | |
Buildings, by Form, e.g., basilicas | NA 6700-7010 | |
Buildings, by Material, e.g., wood, masonry | NA 4100-4145 | |
Buildings, by Use, e.g., public buildings | NA 4170-8480 | |
Business Management for Architects | NA 1996 | |
Byzantine | NA 370s | |
top | ||
Churches. Religious Architecture, by country | NA 5210-6113 | |
Churches. Religious Architecture, by religion, building type | NA 4590-5621 | |
City Planning/Urban Design | NA 9000-9430; see also HT | |
Climate and Architecture | NA 2541-2542 | |
Collected Writings | NA 25-30 | |
Collections of Plans and Designs (divided by country) | NA 7126 | |
Collections of Plans, Architectural Sketchbooks | NA 2600-2635 | |
Color in Architecture | NA 2795 | |
Commercial Buildings (divided by building type) | NA 6210-6289 | |
Competitions | NA 2335-2399 | |
Composition, Proportions, Plans, Elevations | NA 2760-2775 | |
Construction | TH | |
Criticism | NA 2599.5-2599.9 | |
top | ||
Dictionaries, Encyclopedia, Glossaries | NA 31 | |
Domestic Architecture by Country | NA 7210-7476 | |
Domestic Architecture, Houses, Dwellings | NA 7100-7880 | |
Drawing (Technique) | NA 2707-NA2708; see also NC 730s; T 369 | |
Drawings | NA 2700-2749 | |
top | ||
Early Christian | NA 360s | |
Educational Buildings | NA 6590-6610 see also LB | |
18th Century | NA 625-644 | |
Examination & Licensing of Architects | NA 123 | |
Exhibitions | NA 2440-2469 | |
Farm Architecture | NA 8200-8260 | |
Gothic | NA 440-489, NA 610-619 | |
Health Facilities Design | RA 967 | |
Historic Preservation | NA 105, E 159 | |
History | NA 190-1613 | |
History, General Works | NA 7100-7114 | |
Hospital Design | RA 967 | |
Hotels, Inns, Restaurants | NA 7800-7850 | |
House Plans | NA 7110-7115 | |
Houses | NA 7100-7884; see also GT 165; NA 9051; TH 4805 | |
Housing | NA 7550-7559 | |
Housing for Seniors, Youth, Disabled | NA 7195 | |
top | ||
Industrial Architecture (by building type) | NA 6400-6589 | |
International practice | NA 4180-4183 | |
Islamic | NA 380s | |
Landscape Architecture | SBs | |
Library Design | Z679 | |
Mausoleums, Cemeteries, Monuments | NA 6115-6199 | |
Medieval | NA 350-489 | |
Military | NA 490 | |
Minor Buildings, Gates, Fences, etc. | NA 8300-8480 | |
Models & Modeling | NA 2790 | |
Modern | NA 500-699 | |
Museums, Exhibition Buildings | NA 6700 | |
National, State, Municipal (divided by building type) | NA 4195-4589 | |
Neoclassicism | NA 600-609 | |
19th Century | NA 645-679 | |
Norman | NA 420 | |
Office Buildings | NA 6230 | |
Orders of Architecture | NA 2810-2817 | |
top | ||
Periodicals & Yearbooks | NA 1-9 | |
Public Buildings | NA 4170-7010 | |
Religious Architecture of Special Countries | NA 5210-6113 | |
Religious Buildings (by religion, subdivided by building type) | NA 4590-5095 | |
Renaissance | NA 510-589 | |
Rendering in Color, Pen & Ink | NA 2780 | |
Restaurants, Clubs, Bars | NA 7851-7859 | |
Romanesque | NA 390-419 | |
School Buildings | NA 6590-6610; see also LB | |
Shopping Centers | NA 6218 | |
Site Planning | NA 2540.5; see also SB 472 | |
Storefronts | NA 6225 | |
Study and Teaching | NA 2000-2320 | |
Theory, Comprehensive Works, Outlines | NA 2500-2599 | |
20th Century | NA 680-699 | |
Urban Design | NA 9000-9199; HT 166-167 | |
Vernacular architecture | NA 208, NA 705 (search also by building type, culture, period, location, material); see also GN414, GR, GT 170-225
Villas (divided by countries) | NA 7580-7599 | |
Women as Architects | NA 1997 | top |
Adapted and expanded from resources compiled by Deborarh Thompson-Wise (UTK), Elizabeth Byrne (UCB), and Jeanne Brown (UNLV).
Libraries at Clemson use the Library of Congress classification system. Use the charts on this page to familiarize yourself with how Architecture materials are arranged within the library.
TIP #1: To browse all Clemson Libraries holdings in your subject area from home or anywhere you happen to be, click on the call number in any relevant item record and use the prev and next links near the top of the page to 'scan the shelves' virtually.
TIP #2: As you browse the shelves, keep in mind that some books may be checked out, on our Reserves shelf, in use by someone in the library, housed in remote storage (but still easily accessible), or located on our Oversize shelves upstairs from the main stacks. Some art & architecture materials are located in the Cooper Library--check the online catalog for item locations.