If you are interested in teaching an existing LIB course, you will need to reach out to your unit head and chair to discuss how teaching the course will fit into your goals and work load.
Once you have their approval, you will reach out to the curriculum committee.
You need to have gotten approval from your supervisor and your department chair.
Once the approval is granted, you need to reach out to Anne Grant as the registration coordinator (anne1@clemson.edu)
If you are interested in teaching an existing course that is not in the LIB course code, you will need to reach out to your unit head and chair to discuss how teaching the course will fit into your goals and work load.
There are options to be considered for moving forward:
1. Dual Employment - Work on course would be done outside of normal duties and faculty would be paid an additional stipend from the hiring department. Teaching shows up automatically in DM so reflections would need to be included. Teaching would be considered for Merit Compensation. Teaching will be recognized for Tenure and Promotion.
2. Buy out of time - Work on course would take the place of selected normal duties and would be included in goals for the academic year in Digital Measures. Teaching will be recognized for Tenure and Promotion.
The Curriculum Committee would not be involved in this process.
Introduction to the university academic environment. Class meeting instruction focuses on discussion of a topic selected by a faculty member. Includes additional online and workshop instruction in information technology, global citizenship and academic success skills. To be taken Pass/No Pass only.
Unit head and chair of teaching librarian should be notified.
If pursuing Dual Employment, form will need to be signed by department in which librarian will teach as well as the faculty chair.
If negotiating time within current position, need to work with chair and unit head to determine changes to goals.
Honors courses?
Directed Research in other departments