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Technology Lending at Cooper Library

Canon EF-S 55-250mm Lens
Canon EF-S 10-18mm WA Lens
Canon EF-M 55-200mm Lens
Nikon F-Mount 55-200mm Lens

Cameras Lenses

Our lens selection includes options compatible with Canon EF mount for both full-frame and APS-C sensor DSLR cameras. We also offer lenses with Canon EF-S mount specifically designed for APS-C sensor DSLR cameras. Additionally, we provide lenses with Canon EF-M mount exclusively for Canon's mirrorless cameras.

For Nikon users, we have lenses compatible with the Nikon F mount, suitable for both Nikon DSLR cameras and certain older film SLR cameras.

It's essential to ensure that you choose the correct lens mount that matches your camera brand to ensure compatibility and optimal performance. Please feel free to explore our lens offerings to find the perfect fit for your specific camera system.

Supported Lens Mounts

  • Canon EF Mount
    • Used for full-frame and APS-C sensor DSLR cameras
  • Canon EF-S Mount
    • Used for APS-C sensor DSLR cameras
    • Not compatible with full-frame
  • Canon EF-M Mount
    • Used for Canon's mirrorless cameras
  • Nikon F Mount
    • Used for Nikon's DSLR cameras and some older film SLR cameras