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Technology Lending at Cooper Library


Neewer EZA-C1 Digital Timer Remote

The Neewer Timer Remote Control is a wireless accessory designed for Canon, Contax, Pentax, and Samsung cameras. It allows remote triggering of the camera's shutter with timer functionality for time-lapse photography, long exposures, and other shooting techniques. Features include customizable delay, exposure time, interval between shots, and shot count, along with support for bulb mode. The remote control has a wireless range, an LCD display for settings and information, and additional functions like self-timer and intervalometer.

Neewer EZA-C1 Digital Timer Remote

Included in Kit

  1. EZA-C1 Digital Timer
  2. Batteries

Checkout Information

  • 3-day loan period
  • $5 per day late fines
  • Renewals & extensions unavailable