This information and book exhibit, located in the quiet study room and curated by Paula Smith, focuses on Surrealism. Try out some of the activities posted here in the Information Gallery!
Aagesen, D., Rung, M. H., & Caws, M. A. (2009). Wilhelm freddie : Stick the fork in your eye!. Copenhagen: Statens Museum for Kunst.
Aberth, S. L., & Carrington, L. (2004b). Leonora carrington : Surrealism, alchemy and art. Aldershot, Hampshire: Lund Humphries.
Ades, D. (2011). The colour of my dreams : The surrealist revolution in art. Vancouver: Vancouver Art Gallery.
Ades, D., & Dalí, S. (2022). Dalí. London: Thames and Hudson.
Bohn, W. (2002b). The rise of surrealism : Cubism, dada, and the pursuit of the marvelous. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Bonet, L., Montes, C., Gaudí, A., & Dalí, S. (2003). Antoni gaudí, salvador dalí. New York, NY: Harper Design International.
Bradley, F. (1997a). Surrealism. Millbank, London: Tate Gallery Pub.
Breton, A., & Rosemont, F. (1978a). What is surrealism? : Selected writings. New York: Monad.
Carrington, L., Kissane, S., Glennie, S., Weisz Carrington, G., Arcq, T., Ingarao, G., . . . Carrington, L. (2013). Leonora carrington. Dublin: Irish Museum of Modern Art.
Coleby, N. (1998). A surreal life : Edward james, 1907-1984. Brighton: Royal Pavilion, Libraries & Museums.
Dalí, S., & Gott, T. (2009). Salvador dalí : Liquid desire (1st ed.). Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria.
Díaz Alonso, H., Hoke, J., Bratton, B. H., Day, J., Gow, M., McCall, R., . . . Díaz Alonso, H. (2019). The surreal visions of hernán diaz alonso/HDA-X. London: Thames and Hudson.
Ellison, H. (1994). Mind fields : The art of jacek yerka, the fiction of harlan ellison.
Ernst, M., Spies, W., Drost, J., & Bauer, G. (2013). Max ernst retrospective. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz.
Ernst, M., Spies, W., Müller-Westermann, I., & Degel, K. (2008). Max ernst : Dream and revolution. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz.
Jolles, A. (2013a). The curatorial avant-garde : Surrealism and exhibition practice in france, 1925-1941. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
Kaplan, J. A., & Varo, R. (2000). Remedios varo : Unexpected journeys. New York: Abbeville Press.
Lozano, L., Varo, R., Nicholson, E. G., & Valenzuela, L. (2000). The magic of remedios varo. Washington, D.C: National Museum of Women in the Arts.
Magritte, R., Torczyner, H., & Miller, R. (1977). Magritte, ideas and images. New York: H.N. Abrams.
Mahon, A. (2005a). Surrealism and the politics of eros, 1938-1968. New York: Thames & Hudson.
Montagu, J. (2002). The surrealists : Revolutionaries in art & writing, 1919-35. London: Tate Pub.
Mundy, J., Gille, V., & Ades, D. (2001a). Surrealism : Desire unbound. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press.
Oppenheim, M., Burckhardt, J., Curiger, B., Helfenstein, J., McEvilley, T., & Spector, N. (1996). Meret oppenheim : Beyond the teacup (1st ed.). New York: Independent Curators Inc. and D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers.
Palermo, C. (2008). Fixed ecstasy : Joan miró in the 1920s. University Park, Pa: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Raaij, S. v., Moorhead, J., & Arcq, T. (2010). Surreal friends : Leonora carrington, remedios varo and kati horna. Farnham ;: Lund Humphries.
Richter, H., Britt, D., & Naumann, F. M. (1965). Dada, art and anti-art. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc.
Rosemont, P. (1998). Surrealist women : An international anthology. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Röske, T., & Beyme, I. v. (2009). Surrealismus und wahnsinn. Heidelberg: Sammlung Prinzhorn.
Rubin, S. G., & Magritte, R. (2009). Magritte's imagination. San Francisco: Chronicle Books.
Rubin, W. (1968). Dada and surrealist art. New York: H.N. Abrams.
Sawin, M. (1995). Surrealism in exile and the beginning of the new york school. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
Spiller, N. (2016a). Architecture and surrealism : A blistering romance. London: Thames & Hudson.
Stich, S. (1990). Anxious visions : Surrealist art. Berkeley: University Art Museum.
Tanning, D., Bailly, J., & Morgan, R. C. (1995). Dorothea tanning. New York: G. Braziller.
Tomkins, C. (1968a). The world of marcel duchamp, 1887-1968. New York: Time-Life Books.
Umland, A., Coddington, J., & Miró, J. (2008). Joan miró : Painting and anti-painting 1927-1937. New York: Museum of Modern Art.
Varo, R., & Ovalle, R. (1998). Remedios varo : Catálogo razonado = catalogue raisonné (2nd ed.). México, D.F: Ediciones Era.
Waldberg, P. (1997b). Surrealism. New York, N.Y: Thames & Hudson.
Wilkie, I. (2019). Very silly party politics: Surrealism and satire in the 'pythonesque'. Comedy Studies, 10(2), 213-223. doi:10.1080/2040610X.2019.1623506
Wolff, T. F. (1996b). Enrico donati : Surrealism and beyond (1st ed.). New York: Hudson Hills Press.
Wood, G. (2007a). Surreal things : Surrealism and design. London: V & A Publications.