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BIOL 4930 Senior Seminar, Current Topics in Biology

Find Popular Science Books that Clemson Owns

1.  Try going to Advanced Search in the Library Catalog, select "@Clemson Libraries" at the top of the screen, and enter more general search terms such as "Biology" or "Genetics". On the left sidebar, select "Popular Reading Book" under the heading "Location in Library."

NOTE:  This will only find newer books in our "Popular Reading" section on the 4th Floor of Cooper Library.  We have many other newer and older popular science books online and in other Clemson library locations.

2.  If you don't find what you want in "Popular Reading", search for books everywhere at Clemson by keyword in the library catalog.

Finding Popular Science Books Anywhere (Use PASCAL or Interlibrary Loan if Clemson does not own)

Browse or Search Selected eBook Collections at Clemson