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BIOL 4930 Senior Seminar, Current Topics in Biology

Key Article Databases

Preprint Servers (NOTE: Preprints are NOT peer-reviewed)

Keyword Tips

1. Use Simple Terms

Use short, simple words or phrases. Don't type in your entire topic as one sentence.

EXAMPLE: If you're writing about "the importance of peer relationships in the developmental stage of middle childhood," search only the key words/phrases: peer relationships and development and childhood.

2. Use Search Symbols (Boolean)

or = expand your search by including different forms of a word. EXAMPLES: Stocks or bonds. Cats or felines.

" " = search for a specific phrase. EXAMPLE: "World War Two"

* = add 1-5 characters to the end of a word. EXAMPLES: Panda* finds panda and pandas. Inter* finds internal and internet.

3. Start Broad

If you get too many results, you can always narrow your search terms later.