If the full-text is not available in the database you're searching, click on Article Linker (in BIOSIS and Web of Science), Other sources (in SciFinder), or Search for articles.
You can often find the article electronically from another source, or in print.
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See Scan and Deliver for information on how to submit requests.
full text from approx. 100 periodicals since 1994; indexing and abstracts for hundreds of periodicals since 1984
1. Use Simple Terms
Use short, simple words or phrases. Don't type in your entire topic as one sentence.
EXAMPLE: If you're writing about "the importance of peer relationships in the developmental stage of middle childhood," search only the key words/phrases: peer relationships and development and childhood.
2. Use Search Symbols (Boolean)
or = expand your search by including different forms of a word. EXAMPLES: Stocks or bonds. Cats or felines.
" " = search for a specific phrase. EXAMPLE: "World War Two"
* = add 1-5 characters to the end of a word. EXAMPLES: Panda* finds panda and pandas. Inter* finds internal and internet.
3. Start Broad
If you get too many results, you can always narrow your search terms later.