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Rhetorics, Communication, & Information Design (RCID)

especially useful CU Libraries resources and services for graduate students in the multidisciplinary RCID program

CU Libraries catalog

Need something we don't own?

If you need an article or a book and the Clemson Libraries don't have it, we can usually get it from another library.

For articles and audio/visual media, make a request through Interlibrary Loan. There is also a video that explains the interlibrary loan process.

For books, if you search for a title and get a "No records found" message, click on PASCAL Delivers to see if another academic library in South Carolina has the book (Note: Must have access to a SC academic library to borrow books through PASCAL; there is a video that explains the PASCAL system). If one doesn't, make your request through standard Interlibrary Loan.

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