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Education Journals - Practitioner Focused Titles

A guide to education journals that are focused on applying "what works" in the classroom. Written for current teachers both by other teachers as well as academics with a practical focus. Less deep research and more applied research.

More Information

The Clemson University Libraries are pleased to be able to offer access to a large number of journals in a wide variety of subject areas.  The journals listed below have been identified to have a larger number of articles directed to an education practitioner audience.  That is, an audience working in the field needing practical and tested ideas in a day-to-day setting.  

Not every article database (such as ERIC) will cover every issue of every journal.  Indeed, many journals are not covered at all.  Sometimes this is because the audience is limited or, in other cases, the economics of the journal simply cannot support the costs associated with indexing.

Many of the titles are products of national associations oriented to the support of teachers in certain subjects.  Frequently, access to the journal content is a benefit of membership.

A search of all the listed journals can be made at this link.  

The journals will be listed in the first search box - do not disturb these!  Instead add search terms unique to you to the second and third boxes to form your search.

Searching Tips

In general, practitioner focused titles are searchable in our primary education databases.  More information on article databases is found on the primary Education Resource Guide. General searches will benefit from the addition of terms such as:

  • teacher innovations
  • classroom innovations
  • classroom success
  • what works

Limiting these terms to appear in the title field will also help.

Social Emotional Learning (sample search in ERIC, Education Full Text, & Education Research Complete) [more than 4,000 results]

Social Emotional Learning AND what works  [less than two dozen results]

Be alert for article titles that appear to be a perfect match to your subject but then point to a foreign location. "Exactly what I need - Sweden" or "My perfect article - Taiwan."  Generally, an increase in distance (including language, culture, or educational system) from the United States will decrease the utility to your final project.

When searching by titles (examples below) note that a search for "Science Teacher" can recall "New Zealand Science Teacher" and "History and Social Science Teacher" as well. Left sidebar facets can be used to limit results.

Title List

The following list is courtesy of Dr. Daphne Duncan Wiles from their work with ED 8600 and ED 8990.  Please email Gordon Cochrane ( ), Education Librarian with additional title suggestions.

Practitioner Focused Titles
Title (link:Clemson Catalog) Clemson Access (link:Search title) Electronic Access Journal Home Searchable Web Content Note
Social Studies and the Young Learner Print/Electronic 2009-Present SSYL Yes Select  1
Middle Level Learning No Clemson subscription Not available to search in subscription databases MLL Yes Select  2
Social Education Electronic 2012-Present SocE Yes Select   
Science and Children Print/Electronic 1997-Present SciC Yes Limited 3
Science Scope Print/Electronic 1997-Present SciS Yes Limited  
The Science Teacher Print/Electronic 1940-Present SciT Yes Limited  
Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12 No Clemson subscription See Previous Titles; next three lines MTLT Yes Limited  
--Teaching Children Mathematics Electronic (searches all variant titles) 1994-2019        
--Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School Electronic (searches all variant titles) 1994-2019        
--Mathematics Teacher Electronic (searches all variant titles) 1994-2019        
Mathematics Teacher Educator Electronic 2012-2020 MTE Yes Limited  
English Education Print/Electronic 1969-Present EngE Yes Select  
Language Arts Print/Electronic 1975-Present LArt Yes Select  
Voices from the Middle No Clemson subscription Search (even tho we don't have it!) VftM Yes Select  
English Journal Print/Electronic 1912-Present EngJ Yes Select  
Teaching for High Potential No Clemson subscription Not available to search in subscription databases THP No    
Educational Leadership Print/Electronic 1985-Preesent EdLe Yes Limited  
Young Children Print/Electronic (searches all variant titles) 1964-Present YngC Yes Select  
YC Print/Electronic (searches all variant titles) Variant Title of Young Children        
Teaching Exceptional Children Print/Electronic 1968-Present TXC Yes Subscription 4
Journal of Reading Recovery No Clemson subscription Not available to search in subscription databases JRR No    
Middle School Journal Electronic 1970 to present MSJ Yes Subscription  


  1. Web content "Select": Selected articles in any given issue are free to access. Free articles do not change over time.  Most content only available to organization members.
  2. Electronic Access "Not available to search in subscription databases": Clemson University subscribes to databases (such as ERIC and others).  This title is not indexed by any database to which we subscribe.
  3. Web content "Limited": Web visitors may access a number of articles without being a member.  The number of free articles varies by publisher.
  4. Web content "Subscription": The publisher stores their archived content on a service to which Clemson subscribes.  On the campus ethernet network articles are available to access.  Campus WiFi and off-campus patrons must use the VPN or access via the Libraries Catalog.

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Gordon Cochrane
212A Tillman Hall