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Government Information

This is a guide for research using government information.

How to Find a U.S. Government Publication

Federal government publications are arranged by the Superintendent of Documents (SuDoc) classification number on the third floor of the Library. Publications are grouped together by issuing agency. The example below shows how the SuDoc classification number C 61.34: 987 is constructed for the publication U.S. Industrial Outlook:

         Commerce Department (issuing agency)

61.        International Trade Administration

34:       Number designating the title (subordinate bureau)

1987   Date

Looking for a specific publication?

The first step is to search the library catalog. For print documents, you can select Fed Docs 3rd Floor under the Location in Library menu to narrow your search. Many government publications are also available through the library catalog in digital formats. 

You can also search GoogleMany government publications are available via the web and easily found through a search. Try adding or (or another agency's website) to the end of your search to restrict your results to those domains/sites.

In addition, the libraries have several subscription databases that house online government documents. Use any of the links below to search for documents. 


Finding South Carolina State Documents

  • To search for documents in SCLENDs, limit your search to the State Library and search by SC Documents call number to find documents. To search by call number:  
    • Select "Advanced Search" from the SCLENDS search page.

    • In the "Quick Search" option, type the agency call number.

    • From the drop down box, choose "Call Number."

    • Submit your search