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Search tips
- Put quotation marks around multiple-word titles, places, or characters:
"rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead" "globe theatre"
- Use the wildcard symbol (asterisk) when necessary:
adapt* will find adapt, adapted, adaptation(s), & adapts
- Use synonyms, placing them in the same search box, separated by an all-capitals OR:
film* OR cinema OR "motion picture*"
- Start by searching a specific topic, but be willing to make the search more general if you get no or too few results. When searching an article database, put the terms in separate boxes; if there is only one search box, consult the database's Help feature for instructions:
- specific: ophelia (insan* OR madness) hamlet
- more general: women (insan* OR madness) hamlet
- even more general: women (insan* OR madness) shakespeare