Q: How do I search for ebooks in the catalog?
A: You can search for ebooks in the catalog by limiting to "@ClemsonLibraries". After searching terms, limit the results (left side of screen) to "Available Online" and choose to "Apply filters".
Q: Do I need special software to use an ebook?
A: Some ebook providers require a special software to use an ebook. This software is free and can be found on the providers' ebook site for a quick download and installation.
Q: Are ebooks "Checked Out" like print books?
A: Some ebooks (such as those from EBSCO, Ebook Central, or Business Expert Press) require an electronic check-out, which will restrict the amount of time material may be kept on your device. Other ebooks do not require check-outs and are available to be view online, printed, or downloaded by chapter depending on the publisher.
Q: How long can I keep an ebook checked-out?
A: Check-out lengths vary depending on the publisher. EBSCO ebooks may be checked out for 7-14 days. Ebook Central books may be checked out for 1-7 days. Business Expert Press ebooks may be checked out for 14 days.
Q: Where can I find additional help using Knovel ebooks?
A: Check out the Knovel ebooks LibGuide or the Knovel support center.
ProQuest offers a variety of videos on their YouTube channel demonstrating a variety of functions, from simple searching to more advanced training, available in Ebook Central.