This expansive collection covers all disciplines with well over 5,000 journals and magazines included. This resource is an upgrade to the Academic Search Complete collection.
Print titles:
You can get scanned copies of articles from Clemson holdings by using our Scan & Deliver service. Your article will be scanned to PDF format and emailed to you within 24 hours. You can also request an entire bound volume of a serial title, for delivery to the Clemson Design Center Library.
Electronic titles:
Many citations in our article databases include a link directly to full text, either in HTML or PDF format.
If a direct link doesn't appear, electronic full text may still be available. Note the journal title, year, volume, and issue number in which your article appears, then click on the "Check for full text" link immediately below the article entry. This will take you to the Clemson Library catalog record for all formats of the journal. If the journal is available online, click through to the specific issue number to locate your article.
Journal not in Clemson Libraries?
Request it from our Resource Sharing office. (If you need the entire journal issue rather than a single article, use New Request -- Book.)