Look beneath the "Find Articles by Subject" heading
If the Article isn't Online...
If you can't get to the full text of an article from a particular database, go to our journal search page and type in the name of the journal/magazine the article is in to see if we have the journal somewhere else.
In your initial search, try using the titles of the works you’ll be writing about and put " " around the titles if they're more than one word. Either do separate searches or search the titles together - if you do the latter, put OR between the titles (ex. coraline or "mary poppins" or "little red riding hood"); it is highly unlikely all the works you’re using will be discussed in the same article or book.
Include in your search the term(s) that best describe(s) your topic.
You might need to add related terms and other word endings for those terms (ex. for mother, a related term would be parent; other word endings would include mothers, motherhood, mothering, parents, parenthood, parenting).
Use an * to search for other word endings (mother* or parent*)
If you don’t find anything on the works you’re writing about (which happens frequently), try searches on the author (try both lastname firstname and firstname lastname order); books/articles that talk about other works by the author might be relevant to your topic.
If you don't find anything on other works by your author, search for criticism on your particular topic as it's treated in children's literature (magic and children's literature, magic and literature and for children).
You might need to try other subject databases in addition to literature-focused ones. For example, if you're writing about surrealism and illustrations in children's books, some of the art databases might be useful.