Use the Libraries catalog's Advanced Search for the most focused results -- books, journals, articles, media and more.
The @Clemson Libraries option brings up local, physical items and licensed e-resources. PASCAL Delivers searches our South Carolina partner libraries.
Request items from any Libraries location for pickup at the Cooper Library or Gunnin Architecture Library. The Request link is in the item record. ALWAYS sign in to the catalog, to see all delivery options.
Off-Campus Delivery Service - if you live over 30 miles from the Clemson campus, items can be mailed to you.
Scan and Deliver - Request articles and book chapters as PDFs, delivered to your email address.
If Clemson doesn't own the book, journal, or other material you need, our Resource Sharing office can request it from another research library. It's free! but you must create a personal account in order to use it, and plan ahead: the service can be fast or slow, depending on the type of material and which library responds.
WorldCat is the combined catalog of participating academic & museum libraries in 112+ countries and contains 47 million+ records.
* Clemson holdings will be indicated & linked.
* Request other materials through Interlibrary Loan.
PASCALCat: Catalog of the shared resources of South Carolina academic libraries
* All PASCAL holdings display in our catalog when you search.
* In your catalog search results, click on an item record's 'Request via PASCAL' icon.
* Receive materials via PASCAL Delivers. You'll be notified via email when the item is ready for pickup.