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Faculty or staff who create hardcopy or electronic coursepacks which contain articles, chapters and other individual works or selections from individual works must obtain copyright permission for these materials. If a coursepack is used for more than one academic term, permission may need to be obtained again depending on the length of the original permission granted.

If you order coursepacks through the on campus bookstore or some other copy shop, it is important to clarify who will obtain permission for the coursepack - the copy shop, the faculty member or someone else. Claiming that someone else was responsible for obtaining the permissions but failed to do so will not provide protection against a claim of copyright infringement.

Please contact the Campus Barnes & Noble Bookstore for information about how they can assist you in obtaining permissions for coursepacks.

Sample Syllabi Statement

Consider including language in your syllabus to clarify copyright restrictions. For example:

"Materials distributed to students or made available to students in connection with this course may be copyright protected. They are intended for use only by students registered and enrolled in this course and only for the instructional activities associated with and for the duration of this course. They may not be retained in another medium or disseminated further."