Current print journals are located on the back wall of the Gunnin Architecture Library. Most recent issues are located in the shelves behind the current issue. Lift up the shelf to view them. Older issues are in the stacks (downstairs in the shelves) or at the Depot for storage.
To access the journals, click on the linked title. This takes you to our catalog. I have included the journal website addresses in case you'd like to take a look at their websites (for graphic inspiration and more!). If you want to actually read the articles, though, you need to come back and get to the articles through our catalog. Also check the record to see whether we subscribe to the print version or online version - and also, whether it is a peer-reviewed journal (the purple icon). We do subscribe to more journals, just search "landscape architecture" in Find Journals in our catalog.
Click on Journal Search on the Clemson Libraries catalog page. You can search "landscape architecture" in the search bar, search by title of journal if you know the title, and you can click on the 'Gardens, Landscape Architecture & Parks' category to view journal titles in that category. Notice if we subscribe to the print journal or if they are available online (or both).
[Click on image below to search]