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Landscape Architecture

Search the Clemson Libraries Catalog

The Clemson Libraries Catalog searches all print books, ebooks, articles, journals, and databases that we subscribe to. I recommend starting your broad research here, then narrowing to focus on specific databases. 

(Click on image to go to catalog

Browse for Books in the Library!

Landscape Architecture books are located on the bottom floor of Gunnin. Look for SB on the spine (they are classified by the  Library of Congress classification system). 

Requesting Books from Other Libraries

  • Interlibrary Loan
    • Use Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to request books, journals, articles, and other materials not in Clemson collections from other libraries. The service is free! New users must first create an account. 
    • To discover items available to you from college and university libraries throughout South Carolina, select PASCAL DELIVERS as your search mode on the Libraries' Advanced Search page (when searching in the catalog).  Make sure to Sign In to your account to see request options.  PASCAL options might also appear in your regular catalog search. 
  • WorldCat 
    • WorldCat is the combined catalog of participating libraries in 112 countries, with over 98 million records--an excellent tool for discovering resources. If Clemson doesn't own what you find in WorldCat, request items via interlibrary loan.

* For best results, use advanced search and apply appropriate limits..  (Results will be sorted by type of material--Choose a type to increase search focus)

* Clemson holdings will be indicated & linked to the CU Libraries catalog.

Catalog Searching Tips!

Catalog Searching Tips!

  • Use the Libraries catalog's Advanced Search for the most focused results -- books, journals, articles, media and more.
  • Start with the @Clemson Libraries option for physical items and licensed e-resources. Expand your search to PASCAL Delivers to include in your results what our South Carolina partner libraries have to offer.
  • Combine Advanced Search with appropriate search limits : material type, online availability, exact title, etc. See the filters on the left side of the screen. 
  • In any item record, click on a subject heading to browse related materials. Subject heading searches are super-efficient. Subjects are like librarian generated hashtags. 
  • Within an item record, scroll down to "Browse" to 'scan the shelves' for related items, virtually. Call numbers (items classed together by subject matter) are meaningful.
  • For e-books related to your search terms, select "Available online" under the Availability heading, to the right of your results.

Request items from any Libraries location for pickup at the Cooper Library, the Gunnin Architecture Library, or the Clemson Design Center Library in Charleston. The Request link is in the item record. ALWAYS sign in to the catalog, to see all delivery options. The sign in option is at the upper right of the Advanced Search page.

Off-Campus Delivery Service - if you live over 30 miles from the Clemson campus, items can be mailed to you.

Scan and Deliver - Request articles and book chapters as PDFs, delivered to your email address.