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COMM 3250 - Survey of Sports Communication (Harrison): Articles


Below are databases most closely related to communication studies generally.  For both specific contexts (business, medicine, engineering, etc.) and multi-subject databases, see the entire list of article Databases A-Z.

Newspapers/News in Higher Education

Locating Full Text

If a full-text link for an article is not available in a particular database, look for a Search for Article [AL] button link and click on it.  You will be taken to a screen that hopefully has Screenshot- links to content with article link; click on Article to get to the full-text article.  If the Article link isn't present, click on the Journal link; you'll then select the year/volume/issue you need.

If you don't get the above screen, check the Library Catalog for holdings.  Select Journal Title from the pull-down menu on the left and type the title of the journal in the search box.

If you're still unable to locate the full text, please Ask a Librarian to help you or request the article through Interlibrary Loan.