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Revolutionizing research by providing real-time citation context and credibility assessment for scholarly articles.

Getting Started

What can scite do for you? 

scite is unique because it has the world's largest database of Citation Statements, the snippets from full-text articles where the authors use references in-text. You can read what was said about an individual paper, or search scite's entire database directly to find useful facts or debate in a topic of your interest.

How does scite work? 

scite operates by harnessing advanced natural language processing and machine learning techniques to amass a comprehensive database of scientific articles. This corpus is subjected to thorough text analysis, where scite extracts and indexes citations within each article. When users search for specific articles or citations, scite delivers in-depth citation context, illuminating how and where a cited work is referenced in other research papers. Its innovative Smart Citations feature distinguishes whether a citation offers supportive or contrasting evidence, aiding users in discerning the impact and relevance of cited sources. scite further empowers researchers with visualizations, reports, and citation alerts to uncover citation patterns, monitor their work's influence, and remain updated in their respective fields. Researchers can also create profiles to curate their academic presence, while a browser extension streamlines access to citation context during online article reading. In essence, scite enhances the research process by providing a comprehensive toolkit for understanding citation dynamics and assessing research credibility.

Limitations of scite

  • Coverage: scite's database may not include every scientific article ever published, and some fields or sub-disciplines may be better represented than others. Researchers should be aware that the comprehensiveness of its database might be limited.
  • Bias: scite may exhibit biases in data representation and citation categorization, affecting the comprehensiveness and accuracy of its insights.
  • Learning Curve: While scite offers valuable features, its user interface and usability may not be as intuitive or user-friendly as some other research tools, which could affect the overall user experience.
  • Limited to scientific research: scite primarily focuses on scientific research articles. It may not be as effective or relevant for other types of publications, such as books, conference proceedings, or non-academic sources.

Features and Resources

Assistant by scite

A chat experience like ChatGPT, but with real, up to date references. Use it to learn about topics or get help with your grant proposals and other writing in a more conversational way, with full confidence that the claims are backed by our database of Citation Statements.

Watch the video below to see scite Assistant in action: 

Free Browser Extension

See more granular data about how a paper was cited anywhere you read research online. You can always click on the badge that pops up to dig into the Citation Statements, or highlight phrases you see online and quickly search them within our Assistant.

Citation Statement Search

Using Smart Citations, easily check how a scientific article has been cited and if its finding s have been supported or contrasted by others. 

Custom Dashboards

Dashboards are a valuable tool for tracking the evolution of a research field, allowing users to monitor citation changes in a group of articles over time, filter and sort individual article citations, and receive notifications about new citations and editorial notices like retractions.

More Features and Resources

We've only scratched the surface of what is capable of. For more help and functionality, please explore the resources below: