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PubMed Central (PMC) is the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) free, permanent digital archive of full-text biomedical and life sciences journal literature.
Authors own the original copyrights to materials they write and should work with the publisher before any rights are transferred to ensure that all conditions of the NIH Public Access Policy can be met. Authors should avoid signing any agreements with publishers that do not allow the author to comply with the NIH Public Access Policy and should be consistent with individual arrangements with the author's employing institution.
See "Identification Wizard" on the Submission Methods page.
Final peer-reviewed manuscript: The Investigator's final manuscript of a peer-reviewed paper accepted for journal publication, including all modifications from the peer review process.
Final published article: The journal’s authoritative copy of the paper, including all modifications from the publishing peer review process, copyediting and stylistic edits, and formatting changes.
The Policy applies to any manuscript that:
Authors may submit final peer-reviewed manuscripts accepted before April 7, 2008 that arise from NIH funds, if they have appropriate copyright permission.
1"Directly" funded means costs that can be specifically identified with a particular project or activity. See Determine Applicability.
NIH Public Access Policy requires authors to submit peer-reviewed articles that have been accepted for publication on or after April 7, 2008. Authors do not have to submit articles that published before this date. The policy applies to those who receive NIH funds after October 1, 2008.
Yes, the policy covers all peer-reviewed articles that arise from direct funding from NIH. This includes articles written in any language. However, NIH has limited capacity to handle different alphabets. Contact when an article is accepted for publication and is written in a language other than English. Provide the journal title and the language in which the article is written.
(Q and A courtesy of the Carolina Population Center Library)
See the PMID - PMCID - Manuscript ID - DOI Converter on Finding Article Identifiers.