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Clemson Libraries
Research and Course Guides
Basic library operations and partners
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Music online & CDs
Scores/sheet music
Books / video / librettos
Careers & organizations
Finding books and articles (videos)
Basic library operations and partners
Accessing CU Libraries resources
Spaces of interest
Accessing CU Libraries resources
CU Libraries locations and hours of operation
Scan and deliver
Request scans of articles and book chapters located in the library
Equipment check-out
Everything from whiteboard markers and phone chargers to DVD players and high-end cameras
Ask a Librarian
During times the Performing Arts librarian is unavailable
Spaces of interest
Reserve a meeting space
Individual and group spaces bookable in advance
Adobe Studio & Makerspace
Help with Adobe software and makerspace projects. Includes separate audio and video recording studios (must be reserved 24 hours in advance). Location:
Cooper 510
Data Visualization Lab
Help with digital scholarship (ex. text mining/analysis and data visualization). Location:
Cooper 413
Clemson Writing Lab
Writing support through in-person and virtual appointments. Location:
Cooper 301
Finding books and articles (videos)