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This research guide contains resources for those studying or conducting research in engineering.

Need a standard that Clemson doesn't have access to?

If you need the full text of a standard from an organization that Clemson doesn't have a subscription to (ANSI, ISO, IEC, etc.) you may request that we purchase a copy of the standard via Interlibrary Loan/ILLIAD:

Order a Standard

Standards Databases where you can access FULL TEXT of standards (Clemson has a subscription)

Other Standards Databases

NOTE:  You can SEARCH in these databases, but Clemson does not have a subscription to these standards, so you will not be able to access full text.  If you need the full text of one of these standards (ASME, ANSI, ISO, IEC, or another standards organization), you may request that we purchase a copy via Interlibrary Loan:

Order a Standard

Freely Accessible Government Standards

Print Standards at Clemson Libraries

Standards that have been purchased in print over the years (are often older, but there are some current versions) are available as part of the Cooper Library collection; most of these have been issued by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), or affiliated organizations. These print standards are located on the 5th floor of Cooper Library, call number TA368 .A512. They are filed in alpha-numeric order, first by the name of the issuing organization, and then by the number. (i.e. ansi Z 49.0 and ANSI/ISA-S84). Unfortunately, individual standards are NOT listed in the Library catalog ("FindIt@Clemson").