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Daniel High School AP Research & AP Seminar

Search Strategies

Search Strategies

Some tips & tricks for finding the resources you need

Search Strategies

Finding the Right Database 

  • Use the "Best Bets" section at the top 
  • All databases include a description
  • Explore the full list for special collections & content types

Searching a Database 

  • Search using keywords
  • If keywords aren't working, think about synonyms
  • Most databases include an Advanced Search
    • Use this to dial in your search
    • Include keywords, author & title, etc. 
    • Publication Types (peer-reviewed articles) 
    • Publication date
  • After searching, narrow your results using facets/filters
    • Usually found left of search results 

Finding Peer Reviewed Articles

Use filters & facets to make sure your results are producing peer reviewed articles 

Peer Review

  • aka "scholarly publication" 
  • a work that has been scrutinized by experts in the same field 
  • considered necessary to ensure quality 

How to find peer-reviewed articles

  • Search for what you're looking for
  • Find the filters/ facets included in search results
  • Look for "peer reviewed" or "scholarly articles" options

Note: not all facet/filter options for peer review will look the same. 

See examples right.



  1. Put parentheses around words searched as a phrase: "social media"  "income tax"
  2. Use the wildcard symbol * to allow for alternate word endings:  teen* will find teen, teenager, teenagers, and teens
  3. Use synonyms and related terms. Put them in a separate search box together, putting the word OR between each term: teen* OR adolescen* OR "young adult*"
    (Note: we have online thesauri and dictionaries to help you find synonyms if the databases don't suggest any)
  4. Start with a narrow search, but be willing to broaden it if you don't get the kind of results you want. [Photo: Dan Schofield]
  • Specific: "blue ringed octopus" AND "Great Barrier Reef" AND "spiny lobster"
  • More general:  "blue ringed octopus" AND "Great Barrier Reef" AND (diet or prey)
  • More general still:  "blue ringed octopus" AND (diet or prey)picture of blue ringed octopus

Click to search our Catalog

exclamation point iconTip: when searching, use: 

  • Articles, Books, and More

  • @Clemson Libraries

Avoid Course Reserves & PASCAL Delivers

Saving Search Results: Clemson Libraries Search

Save Search ResultsQR code icon

  1. Search the Catalog
  2. Click QR icon at the top
  3. Scan or copy link to save/share

Save Individual Titles

  1. Search the Catalog
  2. Select an item
  3. Choose from "Tools"

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