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Finding and Using Images


Figures: Information represented in the form of photos, drawings, images, graphs, charts or maps


Captioning a Figure


  • Captions are placed BELOW the image.
  • Include: (1) a description of the figure/image, and (2) a source credit



Fig. 3. Calculation of non-dimensional stress intensity

factors. Modified after Lin et al., 1993 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

   Fig. 1. "Kashi, puppy beagle :)” by “Capture99.” Licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC-BY2.0). Accessed 26 Feb 2018.


Citing Figures and Tables in your Bibliography

Citing images from Google: 

Tip: After doing a Google image search, click on the image of interest, then click on the "Visit" icon on the right to obtain information on the photo.

Citing an image from Flickr:

Capture99. "Kashi, Puppy Beagle". 24 July, 2013. Online image. Flikr. 26 Feb 2008.

​Citing an image from Getty Images:

Getty Images. (2016). Giant Pandas play on snow at Hangzhou Zoo [Photograph], Retrieved from: (

Citing figures and tables from scholarly sources:

Citing a chart from a journal article: 

Roy, Debanjan Guha, T. N. Singh, and J. Kodikara. "Influence of joint anisotropy on the fracturing behavior of a sedimentary rock." Engineering Geology 228 (2017): figure 3.

Citing a table from a journal article: 

Roy, Debanjan Guha, T. N. Singh, and J. Kodikara. "Influence of joint anisotropy on the fracturing behavior of a sedimentary rock." Engineering Geology 228 (2017): table 2.