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CHE 4310: Chemical Commodity Prices

SciFinder-n: Registration and Sign-In

1. If you've never used SciFinder-n at Clemson before, you must first register to create a personal account, using a valid Clemson email address ( OR  Use this registration link

2. If you're an existing user of SciFinder-n, you can log in here.  

Helpful links:

Search Strategy for Finding Chemical Pricing

SciFinder-n not only provides detailed lists of chemical manufacturers, but often provides current pricing information. 

1. After signing into SciFinder-n, Click on the Substances under "Searching For" in the left frame, then search by Substance Name, CAS Registry Number, or by drawing a chemical structure, etc. 

2. In your results list, identify your substance of interest, and click on Suppliers in the substance record (looks like a shopping cart). Example, for Acetonitrile:


3. You can then filter by supplier, purity, quantity (including Bulk), availability, etc in the left frame. Links to company websites and ways to order the substance are often available for each supplier.  Example, for Acetonitrile: