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RefWorks: Home

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Bobby Hollandsworth

RefWorks Administrator
407A Cooper Library

What is RefWorks?

RefWorks is a bibliography manager that allows you to create your own personal database of citations by importing references directly from online databases or text files.

You can use these references in your papers and automatically format your citations and bibliographies in seconds.


a free bibliography service for all Clemson students, faculty, and staff

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On campus
  1. Visit the RefWorks main page
  2. Click "Sign Up for a New Account"
  3. Follow the instructions to set up an account
Off campus or via campus wireless
  1. Log into our secure page (with your Clemson username and password) to get the Clemson group code
  2. Visit the RefWorks main page
  3. Click "Sign Up for a New Account"
  4. Leave the radio button in the box that says “I have a Group Code” and enter the code
  5. Follow the instructions to set up an account

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