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Faculty Tenure, Promotion, Reappointment, and Post-Tenure Review


Don't panic! Here are a few things to keep in mind:

- This LibGuide is for the tenure, promotion, and reappointment process. If you're looking for information on the annual review process and workflow, visit here.

- The process of reappointment and annual review are two different things.

  Who When Process Takes Place Time Period Under Review Reporting Method
Annual Review All Faculty May - July May 16 - May 15 All activities entered into Faculty Success.
Activity report generated by Faculty Success system for submission to Chair.
Reappointment Lecturers and Assistant Librarians August - December* May 16 - May 15 All activities entered into documents described in this guide, saved as PDFs, and uploaded into Faculty Success.
Summary Sheet submitted to Reappointment Committee.

*exact dates determined by Provost's Office each year

Important Dates for 2023

Dates for both Annual Review and TPR Review should align with the May-May calendar used for Annual Review. This change was made in 2021 to better align the two review processes, but due to mid-year hire dates, new faculty members will have adjusted dates for their first two years. Please use the dates below to determine which activities to include in your TPR documentation. 

For the current year, the dates for TPR dossiers are as follows:

1st Year: Hire Date - October 12, 2023 (Reappointment packet due on October 12, 2023)

2nd Year: October 15, 2022 - May 15, 2023 (Reappointment packet due on September 28, 2023)

3+ Year: May 16, 2022 - May 15, 2023 (Reappointment or tenure packet due on September 28, 2023)

Consult the Provost's Calendar of TPR Dates if you have further questions.

eTPR Dossier Documents Prepared by Faculty

The elements in the table below constitute the eTPR "dossier".  This can be used as a checklist of things you need to prepare - most are required (marked with "X"), but some elements are optional (marked with an "O") or not applicable/required ("NA"). If you are unsure if you need to prepare any specific element of the dossier, please reach out to your TPR Committee's Chair (listed in StaffWeb) for guidance. Each document has a tab within this LibGuide with further detailed instructions and, when available, examples from your peers.

Table showing which documents are required for each process. Required elements are marked "X," optional elements are marked "O," not applicable marked with "NA."
Name of Document Reappointment Tenure/Promotion to Associate Promotion to Full Post-Tenure Review
Letter Requesting Action X X X NA
Standard College Resume X X X


Top Achievements X X X NA
Candidate's Statement on Librarianship X X X NA
Student Feedback Forms O O O NA
Other Evidence of Effectiveness in Librarianship X X X NA
Research/Scholarship Activities X X X NA
Service Activity X X X NA
Goals Statement X X X NA
Administrative Duties O O O NA
List of External Evaluators from Candidate NA X X NA
Supplementary Information - All Prior Reappointment Letters X O O NA
Activity Reports X X X X
Summary Sheet X X X NA

Outline of Process

LFRC = Library Faculty Reappointment Committee