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HIST 4900 (Hassell) Global History of Slavery

Slavery, Abolition, and Social Justice, 1490-2007

Reconstruction of the Southern States

African American Newspapers: Series 1 and 2

Ancestry Library

Kinds of information: primary sources, includes some government documents

Search Tips: start as generally as you can; use limiters like dates and birth dates of known ancestors; be prepared for name variations


Kinds of information: secondary sources; done by professors; download as a PDF; citations; add to a list and personalize and save it; 

Search Tips: be specific; great for secondary

African American Newspapers (Accessible Archives)

Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive

African American Studies Center

Civil War: A newspaper perspective

Making of the Modern World, Parts 1-3

European Views of the Americas: 1493-1750

Documenting the American South

Historical Statistics of the US

Oxford African American Studies Center

Reconstruction, Jim Crow, and the Enforcement of Federal Law in the South, 1871-1884

World News Archive - African Newspapers 1800-1922

All newspaper articles

refine the search by location from country down to the town level

limit search by dates, but it's only 19th and 20th century

Continent of Africa - has about 1/2 the countries

has an interactive maps so you can pick your region visually

can change to other countries with database selection

Can search in the newspapers with "find in page"

Hathi Trust

Historical Statistics of the United States

Kinds of information: historical statistic sets from US Census data; fully searchable

Search Tips: use "+" to require a word in your results; use a "-" to exclude a word; use "or" and "and" and use quotation marks to search for a phrase

Early American Newspapers (1690-1876)

Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture and Law

Google Scholar

Kinds of information: lots of topics; find something from any time period; peer reviewed articles or books; not like regular google

Search Tips: less words, more sources; more of what you want, be more specific;