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Communication: Books & Media

Search Clemson Libraries collections

  • To limit results by specific criteria (ex. video, language), use the Advanced search form.
  • To search for books and media beyond what we own, try WorldCat; it combines the library catalogs from over 112 countries and contains 98 million+ records in 470+ languages (note:  limited to 4 simultaneous users).
  • HathiTrust contains millions of digitized publications from around the world, mainly from library, Google, and Internet Archive initiatives. To log in as a Clemson University member: click on the yellow LOG IN box on the right, select Clemson University from the drop-down menu, then Continue, and log in to the network with your CU userid and password
  • For dissertations and theses beyond CU, use ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global; it indexes over two million dissertations and theses from around the world, in all subject areas, 1861-present (over 600,000 available in full text).

Need something we don't own?

If you need an article or a book and the CU Libraries don't have it, we can usually get it from another library.

For articles and audio/visual media, make a request through Interlibrary Loan. 

For books, if you search for a title and see

  Your entry [title of book] would be here,

click on the green PASCAL Delivers icon to see if another academic library in South Carolina has the book.  If one doesn't, make your request through standard Interlibrary Loan.