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EndNote: Import

This guide covers the basics of using EndNote citation management software.

4 Ways to Enter New References

  1. Enter new references manually
  2. Watch a video of this process

  3. Save as a text file and import

    Watch a video of this process

    This is a good way to export any citations or references you want from a database that does not support EndNote.

  4. Import references directly from a library database

    Watch a video of this process

    This method is supported by many databases. It is very similar to the above method, but cuts out having to save a file. Your citations go straight into EndNote.

    If you have problems, check your import filters. If you need help with this, contact a librarian.

    *There is a known issue using direct exports from Web of Science to a University Mac. Instead, Web of Science will automatically save a file called "uml_view.cgi" that you can import as a text file (described above).

  5. Search databases within EndNote or EndNote Web (easiest!)

    Watch a video of this process

    This is by far the easiest way to get search results into your EndNote database, but it is not supported for all our library databases at the moment. It currently works with at least Web of Science (including Zoological Record, Citation Index, Web of Knowledge, and BIOSIS Previews), PubMed, Medline, LISTA, ERIC, and GreenFILE.