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Evidence Based Practice & Healthcare Guidelines: Home

A guide to resources for evidence based decision making in healthcare and medicine

Health Sciences Librarian

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Sally Smith
Room 304

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What is evidence-based practice?

Evidence based practice (EBP) is the conscientious use of current best evidence in making decisions about patient care (Sackett, Straus, Richardson, Rosenberg, & Haynes, 2000).

It is a problem solving approach to clinical practice and administrative issues that integrates:

  • A systematic search for and critical appraisal of the most relevant evidence to answer a burning clinical question
  • One's own clinical expertise
  • Patient preferences and values (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2014)

The EBP process is a method that allows the practitioner to assess research, clinical guidelines, and other information resources based on high quality findings and apply the results to practice (Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses, 2018).

Evidence-Based Literature: Where to Look & What to Look For

Key Evidence-Based Databases